Information for Parents

Addresses and Phone Numbers



We have a full school assembly at 9.00am in the hall, every second Friday. Please refer to the school newsletter for further information on school assemblies.

Details are published in school Newsletters for special assemblies.

Parents, caregivers and friends of the school are welcome to attend any assembly, but if it is raining it would be wise to phone the school to check if assembly has been cancelled.


Children are expected to attend school whenever it is open, unless they are sick or have some other good reason to be away. As a matter of courtesy, and in the interests of safety, parents are asked to let us know the reason for any absence. An email is preferred but a phone call to the office will be quite satisfactory.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees usually meets on the last Wednesday of each month. Such meetings are public meetings and interested parents, caregivers and members of the public are welcome to attend. Meeting dates, times and venues are advertised in the school newsletter.

Community Involvement

Parents, caregivers and friends of the school are welcome to become actively involved in the life of the school. There are many ways you can help including helping teachers in the classroom and assisting with class trips or outings. Such involvement has benefits for all concerned; children, teachers and the helpers themselves. If you would like to help out in any way, see your child's teacher or leave your name at the office.

Complaints or Concerns

If there is any matter you are unhappy about, please see the Kaihautu in charge of your learning hub. A teacher's first responsibility is to their class and they are seldom able to leave their class during normal school hours. If necessary, we are very happy to arrange appointments.

Bilingual Hub - Meritiana MacShane:

Year 1 - 3 Hub - Rachelle Peterson:

Year 4 - 6 Hub - Joshua Burrowes:

Otahuhu Children’s Community Dental Clinic

The Otahuhu Children's Community Dental Clinic is based at Otahuhu Primary School. If your child brings home a notice to say they require fillings or extractions please fill in the form if needed and send back to the dental clinic.

The entrance to the dental clinic is via Great South Road, directly off the roundabout opposite Prince's Street, at the bottom of the Otahuhu shopping centre.

The Otahuhu Children's Community Dental Clinic contact number is 276 6633.

Enrolment Procedures

No children can be enrolled until they turn five. Before your child turns 5 come to the school office to collect an enrolment pack. When you enrol your child at school, you will need to bring:

i) A copy of the birth certificate.

ii) And/or your passport, or written proof of Permanent Residency or Student Visa that allows the child to study as a Domestic Funded Student.

iii) A copy of the immunisation certificate.

The school does not enrol Foreign Fee paying students.

Enrolment Scheme

The school will have an enrolment scheme sometime in 2023. For further information please contact the office.

Food and Nutrition

At Otahuhu Primary School we promote a healthy lifestyle to our community: students, staff and families, as part of our commitment to a safe school environment.

Educating students about nutrition and encouraging healthy eating patterns contributes to their personal success and well being and to a healthier community for all of us.

We deliver clear and consistent messages about nutrition by ensuring that any food provided by/through school follows national food and nutrition guidelines.


We always do our best to protect your child's health but we expect parents to help by following these few simple rules:

i) Make sure children have had a good night's sleep.

ii) Do not send children if they are sick.

iii) Children with infectious diseases must be kept at home and have a note from a doctor, or nurse, before they return to school.

iv) Check your child's/ren's head/s regularly for lice and treat them when necessary.

v) Keep us informed about major health problems.

vi) If children are required to take medicine at school, written permission from parents, signed off by the Principal/Associate Principal on a form available at the office, will be required before prescription medication will be administered.

vii) No non-prescription medications such as panadol, will be administered by staff.

If a child has an accident, or becomes ill at school, they will be attended to in the school sick bay. If necessary, they will be taken to the Otahuhu White Cross Accident and Medical Clinic, Station Road (next to the school) for treatment and parents will be informed, if possible. Our facilities are limited, and we do not have a school nurse, so please help us by making sure the school is advised of:

  • Changes of address
  • Changes of phone number
  • Names and phone numbers of emergency contacts
Lost Property

Clothes cost parents a lot of money and all clothing should be named. Unclaimed clothing is held in our lost property bin for two weeks, then donated to charity. You are welcome to call at the school at any time to check the contents of the lost property bin. This bin is outside the sickbay area.

Lost property displays are organised at the end of each term. Dates for displays will be notified in the Newsletter.


The school is part of the Government's 'Free lunch for all' programme.

All students receive a healthy, free lunch each day.

All dietary requirements e.g. food allergies, vegetarian and halal options are catered for.


School Newsletters are usually sent home every second Wednesday. We try to keep you informed about what is happening at school and hope you will take the time to read them.

No Smoking Policy

The school grounds and buildings are a "no smoking zone" at all time.

All parents, caregivers and visitors to the school are asked to respect this policy.


Parking is available within the school grounds. Should there be no spaces available, there is a public car park opposite the Station Road school entrance.

Please travel at 5 km or less when within the school grounds.

The car parking spaces directly outside the Otahuhu Children's Community Dental Clinic (Great South Road school entrance) are for dental clinic patients only. Please keep this clear unless attending a dental appointment.

Positive Learning 4 Behaviour (PB4L)

PB4L is a framework for enhancing, adopting and implementing a continuum of evidence-based interventions to achieve academically and behaviourally important outcomes for all students.

There are seven essential components to the PB4L framework.

1. Principal Endorsement

2. Common Purpose and Approach to Discipline

3. Expectation System

4. Teaching System

5. Reinforcement System

6. Problem Behaviour Response System

7. PB4L Implementation System

Pre School Mornings

New entrant children are invited to attend two pre-entry visits to their prospective classroom before starting school. These visits are usually on the two Tuesday mornings prior to the child turning 5 years and arranged at your pre-entry discussion with Rachelle Peterson. Parents are encouraged to take such opportunities to familiarise their children before they start.

Reading Books and Library

Children are often given reading books to take home to read to their parents, or borrow books from the school library. We need your help to make sure these books are returned to school in good condition.

Reporting to Parents

We hold a Meet the Teacher session in February - Week 3 Term 1.

Goal setting Talanoa - Week 7 - Term 1

Learning conversations - July

In February and July a written report is sent home in July and December.

Safety of children

We do our best to keep the children safe both at school and on their way to and from school. You can help us in the following ways:

i) Make sure that your child arrives at school between 8.30am and 8.45am each morning. During this time teachers are on duty at the pedestrian crossings.

ii) If your child is away from school please let us know, preferable before 8.45am, on the first morning your child is away.

iii) If you pick up your child from school during the school day, please sign your child out at reception/office before you go to collect them from the classroom.

iv) If you change your address or phone number, please let the school office know as soon as possible.

School Donations

There will be no school donations requested in 2024.

School Hours

School starts at 8.45am and finishes at 2.45pm.

Parents should also note the following times:

10.40am - 11.00am Morning interval

12.40pm - 1.20pm Lunch break 

We expect children to be on time for school so that they are fully prepared for their classroom programme. 

New five year olds spend the whole day at school, the same as the older children, and do not go home early.

Term Dates

School Terms and Holidays 2024 & 2025

Learning Support

The school provides learning support for children with specific needs. We have a range of programmes to cater for individual learning pathways. Please contact Meritiana MacShane for further information.


Student stationery is provided free in 2023.

School Charter

The school charter


To start in a classroom all students are expected to be wearing the correct Otahuhu Primary School uniform. The uniform can be purchased at The Warehouse, Sylvia Park on the Mount Wellington Highway.

Summer Uniform:

  • Unisex shorts - Navy.
  • Skort - Navy.
  • Short sleeve Royal Blue polo with gold trim on the collar and sleeves with OPS logo.
  • Bucket hat - Navy.
  • Plain black sandals.

Winter Uniform:

  • Short sleeve Royal Blue polo with gold trim on the collar and sleeves with OPS logo.
  • Royal Blue Polar Fleece jumper with gold OPS logo.
  • School trackpants - Navy.
  • Plain black shoes.
  • Plain black socks.

Jewellery/Make Up:

  • Studs to be worn only in the ears for safety reasons.
  • No necklaces, bracelets, rings or anklets (Cultural necklaces are allowed).
  • No make up.


  • Hair to be tied back and away from the face.
Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Gurjeet Sekhon - Barfoot & Thompson - Real Estate - Otahuhu Primary School MaxCare Medical Centre - Otahuhu Primary School 3A - Otahuhu Primary School Pit Stop Otahuhu - Otahuhu Primary School The Advice Hub - Chantelle Otahuhu Rep Express Sheetmetal - Otahuhu Primary School Future Print - Otahuhu Primary School Phil Good Motors - Otahuhu Primary School Hon Jenny Salesa - MP for Panmure-Ōtāhuhu
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